Feb 10, 2014

Sundress Publications Plug

Hiatus broken! Hi! As I mentioned briefly in my last movie post, I got an internship over the holidays at a really great non-profit here in Knoxville! As apart of beginning this internship, I got to write a little blog post introducing myself to the supporters and the rest of the Sundress Publication / SAFTA community! The internship only lasts through the spring, but this opportunity is so much more that that. It has, so far, put me into contact with some really talented people who continuously encourage, critique, and influence my writing (and also my drinking habits). On top of committing myself to workshops once a week with many members of this group, I've had the opportunity to help proofread great work to get new publications out into the world. (I got my name in the front of a book in thanks! freaked out!)

The founder of this artists' colony/publication company/creative force to be reckoned with, is my past poetry teacher from UT who radically changed the way I thought about and wrote in the form. She is one of the most encouraging and headstrong people and I'm really grateful that she invited me out to workshop one week and that I actually mustered up the courage to go, though I was really nervous. I felt like I was on the cusp of something important just a few months ago when this all got started, and I still feel like that. I know I will only have these awesome people to thank when I god-willingly get into grad school in 2015.

Anyway, head on over to the blog to see the whole blog post and my silly "About Me" on the Sundress Blog here. Feel free to stick around and read some of the other posts, and hell, you may as well follow it to see if any of it peaks your interests! Up is the only direction this group is going and I'm excited to tag along.


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